Find out how to install or use eBot for your tournaments, and gain access to the power of eBot

  • Docker
  • Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)
  • Windows (Guide will be released soon)

What's included

100% performance

The power of eBot comes from its roots: it doesn't run directly on the game server.

LAN & Online

eBot can be installed on your online or LAN servers, allowing you to run your tournaments smoothly.

Advanced statistics

While the players are competing, eBot will listen and record all statistics of the matches.

Simple as RCON

eBot connects to servers only via RCON. That's the only requirement!


With the plugin system, eBot allows you to write custom code to interact with the match without modifying the main code.

Valve approved.

eBot is an official tool recommended by Valve to run your tournament. That's all.